All posts by Cameron Henry

How to Increase Water Pressure in Kitchen Sink

It can be extremely frustrating to do the dishes, wash vegetables, or fill a large pot to cook pasta if your kitchen sink has low water pressure. Perhaps you have gotten used to it over time, thinking that nothing was to be done about this

A Beginner’s Guide to Shred Tax Credits (SRED)

A shred tax credit is another name for SR&ED tax credits. SR&ED is the ultimate Canadian government tax credit to help support eligible expenses for R&D performed in Canada. Businesses of all sizes and industries may apply so long as the SR&ED criteria are fulfilled.

Why Are Grains Important to Society?

Grain, in agricultural terms, is the harvested seed from grass. North America’s most popular grain refers to wheat, oats, rice, corn, sorghum, millet, rye, and barley. There are numerous others, all derived from grasses grown around the world. Grains are very important to human survival

4 Ways to Save Money with Apartment Rentals

When searching for an apartment to rent, whether it be for a short term or a longer period of time, there are many reasons to consider furnished accommodations. You do not have to worry about moving your furniture in or out, they are ideal for

Top Seven Tips to Hire the Right Private Investigator

Relationships have their ups and downs, but when cheating is suspected, this can break trust beyond repair. For some, hiring a private investigator becomes a reality. It can seem like a daunting task, but knowing what to look for can provide peace of mind and

How to Talk to a Personal Injury Lawyer

On an almost everyday basis, accidents are bound to happen. Thankfully, most of these situations are minor, preventing serious harm from occurring. At other unfortunate times, these accidents can lead to disastrous circumstances. You may even find yourself involved in a potential lawsuit of some

4 Ways for Real Estate CRM to Supercharge Your Business

Most realtors don’t have a systematic way to manage their customer relationships. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can take your real estate business to the next level by increasing revenue, building stronger client relationships, automating the tasks that take up valuable time, and creating a